Diesel engines are rising in popularity again, thanks to modern improvements in fuel economy and reduced emissions. As more drivers opt for diesel in both cars and trucks, they naturally want to know what they can do to get the best performance possible out of their engines, over and above what comes standard in today’s vehicles. When you’re looking for diesel engine upgrades and maintenance services in Corpus Christi, TX, be sure to stop by Coastal Diesel Injection. Our staff can recommend accessories to improve your engine’s performance. Here are our tips:

  • Install new fuel injectors: Fuel injectors help fuel get to the engine, which in turn increases the horsepower. You can purchase and install new performance fuel injectors, which use higher pressure to inject even more fuel into the engine at once.
  • Improve the airflow: Air intake can enhance your engine’s performance in a couple of ways. First, an upgraded airflow kit helps bring in more oxygen to the engine, increasing its power. Second, upgraded airflow kits bring colder air in, which is more oxygen-dense. This also amplifies the power the engine produces, while improving fuel economy.
  • Reprogram or replace the ECM: The engine control module is what controls your maximum RPM and air/fuel mixture, among other vital processes. Replacing or reprogramming your ECM can help boost engine power. If you’re not sure which adjustments to make, ask your local diesel mechanic for advice.
  • Try performance exhaust systems: Anytime you’re making diesel engine upgrades in Corpus Christi, TX, you’ll need to upgrade your exhaust system, too—more power leads to more exhaust. Performance exhaust systems use straighter, wider pipes to reduce exhaust gas temperature and improve horsepower.
  • Get a turbocharger: A turbocharger can greatly enhance the performance of diesel engines. Turbochargers used pressurized air to inject the most oxygen possible into the engine, which increases horsepower while improving the engine’s efficiency as a whole. They come in both turbo and “performance turbo” versions—performance turbochargers can make your engine perform at a level five to 10 times higher than a non-turbocharged model.
  • Keep up on routine maintenance: Finally, taking care of your engine is one of the best things you can do to keep it running as smoothly as possible—all the turbochargers and performance exhaust systems in the world won’t help if you don’t change the oil, filters and fluids regularly.

Diesel engine maintenance in Corpus Christi, TX

Getting the most out of your diesel engine can be easier than you think when you partner with the experienced mechanics at Coastal Diesel Injection. Whether you’re looking to upgrade your engine or need basic maintenance and repairs, we can help. Diesel engine owners in the Corpus Christi area love our shop, thanks to our complete range of engine services, high-quality parts and diesel engine accessories. We can handle any type of diesel vehicle, including cars, trucks and boats. Reach out to us or stop by today to find out what we can do for you. We look forward to serving you soon!